The Basics of Information Security Second Edition
The Basics of
Information Security
Second Edition
Information security is a concept that becomes ever more enmeshed in many
aspects of our society, largely as a result of our nearly ubiquitous adoption of
computing technology. In our everyday lives, many of us work with computers
for our employers, play on computers at home, go to school online, buy goods from
merchants on the Internet, take our laptops to the coffee shop and check our e-mail,
carry our smartphones on our hips and use them to check our bank balances, track
our exercise with sensors in our shoes, and so on, ad infinitum.
Although this technology enables us to be more productive and allows us to
access a host of information with only a click of the mouse, it also carries with it a
host of security issues. If the information on the systems used by our employers
or our banks becomes exposed to an attacker, the consequences can be dire indeed.
We could suddenly find ourselves bereft of funds, as the contents of our bank account
are transferred to a bank in another country in the middle of the night. Our company
could lose millions of dollars, face legal prosecution, and suffer damage to its reputation
because of a system configuration issue allowing an attacker to gain access to
a database containing personally identifiable information (PII) or proprietary information.
We see such examples appear in the media with disturbing regularity.
If we look back 30 years, such issues related to computer systems were nearly
nonexistent, largely due to the low level of technology implementation and the few
people who were using what was in place. Although technology changes at an
increasingly rapid rate, and specific implementations arise on a seemingly daily
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